Spring flowers ringing

Paradox - the crisis has not yet completely receded, and the size of precious stones in jewelry is growing at an alarming rate. This spring, jewelers continue to follow last year's trends and create large, bright, catchy jewelry.

A characteristic feature of many spring jewelry collections is the appeal to the theme of flowers. And not by chance! With the beginning of spring, everything begins to come to life, blossom and smell. The mood, again, goes uphill. And jewelers, playing in advance, begin to offer us real bouquets of gold, platinum, diamonds and multi-colored gemstones. The plastic of metal and the brilliance of gems merge into a single dance, mesmerizing with the play of color and its many shades. It is said that if you listen carefully, the bells, skillfully carved by the master from delicate rose quartz, emit a quiet and melodic ringing. So spring!

Even the names of many collections say a lot and have a pronounced spring temperament. For example, De Beers looked at the most mysterious flower - the lotus, Bulgary calls us back to nature, and Dior looks back to the past with its naive habits and indefatigable coquetry, and TACH gives a collection of graceful butterflies and clover flowers. Harry Winston, on the contrary, takes us to the streets of the most turbulent metropolis of the planet - New York, with its bridges, streets and squares. Most likely, to find city flowers in this stone jungle. Wake up! Take a look at the beauty surrounding you. Spring is calling you on the road!

Watch the video: Tancy - Minus Cvetut cvety Flowers bloom. Танцы Минус - Цветут цветы. with the translation (July 2024).