Expatriates in the UAE will pass new exams to get a driver’s license

According to the emirate newspaper The National, the British consulting company Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), hired by the UAE government, has proposed that all expatriates who wish to obtain driving permits pass a new driving test, which will improve the situation road safety in the country.

Visitors from countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia will have to pass exams in driving theory and practice, even if they already have a driver’s license issued in their countries of residence. Future taxi drivers, in accordance with TRL recommendations, must have at least two years of driving experience in the UAE before they are allowed to get started. TRL experts also recommend setting an age limit for driving certain types of trucks and not permitting their driving to persons under 20 years of age.

All new TRL recommendations were discussed at a special meeting, which was attended by representatives of the consulting company, as well as public and private transport companies. According to TRL experts, all of their recommendations are based on the best international practices from around the world.

Watch the video: Get UAE driving license No Classes No test (July 2024).