A record number of blood glucose tests performed in UAE

Last month, One Heart Health Community at the mall tested the largest number of people for blood sugar.

In Dubai, another world record was set, which fell into the Guinness Book of Records - One Heart Health Community organization checked the blood sugar level in the maximum number of people in a public place.

This campaign was designed to increase the awareness of people living in the UAE about heart diseases and to warn them about possible risk factors.

The event was organized by the Dubai Health Department, the Dubai Diabetes Center, the UAE Diabetes Society, and the UAE Cardiology Center. The action participants were attracted by the most modern means: through Facebook, Twitter, various blogs, as well as through the Break-Up application, designed specifically to help people monitor their lifestyle and take the necessary preventive measures in time.

The action was attended by 8675 people, blood glucose levels were checked by more than 80 medical workers in special booths installed in the Star Atrium shopping center.

Watch the video: True Result Blood Glucose Meter Demonstration (May 2024).