Dubai intends to pay even more attention to the health of workers

A memorandum was signed in Dubai aimed at improving workers' health and safety at work.

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and the Dubai Standing Labor Committee have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at improving worker health and safety at work.

The head of DHA, His Excellency Humeid Al Kutami, said that since the establishment of the state, the Emirates has adopted laws aimed at protecting the rights of workers, ensuring their welfare and safety - this is what has allowed attracting more than 200 nationalities from around the world.

He also added that all laws protecting workers' rights are based on UAE's inherent values. They are based on the origins of the state and culture, based on the principles of coexistence.

The memorandum of understanding was signed on Sunday by Mr. Al Kutami and Mr. Obeid Muhair ibn Suror, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Residents and Foreign Citizens in Dubai and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Labor.

The memorandum is aimed at:

- Open collaboration between both parties to improve the health care of workers in Dubai,

- Raising the awareness of employees about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, training workers in the principles of maintaining health and the basics of fitness,

- The memorandum is also aimed at expanding interaction in the field of healthcare with organizations providing free diagnostics of the body,

- Increasing employee satisfaction, supporting a healthy environment both at home and in the workplace.

Al Katami noted that a high level of health care is a priority for the UAE in general and Dubai in particular, therefore DHA makes great efforts to ensure the health and safety of workers through awareness-raising and disease prevention campaigns. The office also conducts free medical examinations for workers at home and in the workplace.

Watch the video: 99% of You Will Do Nothing About This. Keynote at the Sharjah Entrepreneurship Festival (May 2024).