In the UAE, football fans are judged for insults on social networks

In the UAE, prosecutors launched an investigation into the publication by football fans of offensive messages on social networks.

The Abu Dhabi prosecutor’s office launched an investigation into the case of two fans of local football clubs who allegedly exchanged obscene messages on social networks, which is a violation of the law on online behavior.
According to representatives of the prosecutor's office, the club management was instructed to understand this issue, check the accounts of fans on social networks in order to gather evidence of the presence of insulting statements published by fans.

At the first stages of the investigation, it was found that two fans of the capital's football teams expressed themselves on social networks as an offensive language, which is considered inappropriate and immoral in accordance with the legislation of the UAE.

"Playing sports in a safe environment, including sports clubs, is a right guaranteed by law for all people, the law criminalizes any attacks against other people, it does not matter expressed verbally, physically or on social networks," prosecutors in a statement.

"Freedom of speech and expression of opinion guaranteed by law should be embodied in an appropriate manner, the principles of public morality and respect for each other should always be at the forefront."

Public order bodies are obliged to suppress immoral actions using modern technologies that violate public order, in particular in social networks. Only in this way can legal protection of the social, moral and religious values ​​of society be achieved.

The authorities also warned people of responsibility for insults on social networks - a cybercrime charge could be brought against the boor. It is worth noting that many people were fined, deported from the country and even went to jail for insulting other people or, for example, their spouses on social networks and instant messengers such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and others.

The UAE’s Law on Cybercrime prescribes punishment in the form of imprisonment, up to life imprisonment and / or a fine of 50,000 to 2 million dirhams, depending on the gravity and seriousness of the crime.

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