UAE leaders express condolences to victims of natural disasters in India

UAE leaders send condolences to the President of India for flood victims and landslides.

UAE President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan sent a telegram to the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, with condolences to the victims of floods and landslides on the eve of the Indian state of Kerala.

Sheikh Khalifa expressed his heartfelt sympathy to President Kovind and the families of the victims and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

Similar telegrams to the President of India were also sent by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister, Vice President of the UAE and ruler of Dubai, and His Highness Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince Abu Dawandin, Armed Forces and Deputy Crown Prince Abu Dhabi.

Watch the video: UAE sultans express sympathy for Kerala flood victims (July 2024).