Dubai celebrated the 74th anniversary of Victory in World War II

On May 9, in Dubai, diasporas from the CIS countries traditionally celebrated Victory Day and supported the "Immortal Regiment" campaign.

Photo: Alexander Vyakin

On May 9, 2019, on the day of the Great Victory, hundreds of guests once again gathered in Dubai to celebrate a great holiday, to remember the feat of their ancestors and to commemorate those who fell in the Great Patriotic War.

This year's event takes place in the banquet room of the Sofitel The Palm Hotel. The evening was supported by the diplomatic missions of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The first to be invited was the Chargé d'Affaires of Russia in the United Arab Emirates, Yuri Yurievich Vidakas.

“It is a great honor for me today to congratulate you on the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory. Since then several generations have changed, many events have occurred, but May 9 is and remains a sacred date for the Commonwealth of Independent States - without exaggeration of fraternal countries. The Great Patriotic War became unprecedented. test for the entire multinational Soviet state. Everyone, young and old, took the fight against the Nazis. It was this feat of the Soviet people that decided the outcome of the entire Second World War. a struggle from the fascist plague of both our country and the whole world, "he said in his speech.

“We are grateful and remember the heroism of the defenders of the Brest Fortress and the besieged Leningrad, the heroism of the soldiers near Moscow, Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge and the Dnieper. All those who stood to death. We remember all those who, falling from hunger and fatigue, forged our victory in We are infinitely grateful to our veterans who not only honorably passed through war years, but also restored the country after the war. We remember and sincerely thank our fraternal countries. It was we who together made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, we same made the biggest sacrifices on the altar of the Great Victory - almost 27 million people. We will not forget the significant contribution to the victory of all countries of the members of the anti-Hitler coalition, "continued Yuri Vidakas.

After the speech of Yuri Yuryevich, a minute of silence was declared in memory of the fallen heroes of the war.

Following was a speech by the Consul General of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Dubai and the Northern Emirates of Javidan Rizvan oglu Huseynov:

“Today we celebrate the 74th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. May 9 is a day of remembrance for the great feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defended the freedom and independence of the entire Soviet Union. We bow our heads to the blessed memory of those who did not return from the war forever remaining on the battlefields. "

The Consul General emphasized the significant contribution of Azerbaijan to the achievement of the common goal: "The Azerbaijani people sent to the front more than 600 thousand of their sons and daughters. Almost half of them died in the fighting."

"Baku oil played an invaluable role in the victory in World War II. Azerbaijan accounted for more than 70% of the oil produced in the Soviet Union during the war, 80% of gasoline and 90% of motor oils. Azerbaijan also played an important role in supplying fuel to 7,000 military aircraft during the capture of Berlin. "

“The courage and heroism of all the soldiers who have passed the glorious military path in World War II will never be erased from memory and will serve as an example of patriotism for the younger generation. The Soviet people won the Great Patriotic War thanks to the friendship of peoples, unity, and this feat will forever remain in the hearts of generations, "these words ended the festive speech of Javidan Rizvan oglu Huseynov.

The next was the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the United Arab Emirates Mher Mkrtumyan.

“Today is really a significant day when we all celebrate the historic Victory of our ancestors in the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to heroism, perseverance and immense patriotism, our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers were able to win the victory, which, as the famous song says, today we celebrate with tears before our eyes. "

Mher Mkrtumyan noted that almost all parts of the Armenian people were involved in the fight against fascism in the Second World War.

"More than 60 Armenian commanders were directly involved in the planning of military operations on all fronts," he said.

“I want to emphasize that this victory is the property of all the peoples of the former Soviet Union and the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. Today, as never before, we bow our heads and honor the memory of those who, not sparing ourselves, fought for freedom, victory and peace, and also express our immense Thanks to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. "

Next on the stage was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the United Arab Emirates Andrei Ivanovich Luchenok.

“Today is one of the main holidays of our once big country, certainly the most moving, the most tragic. The past is gradually passing away, but the memory of it of May 1945 certainly remains. For Belarus, 2019 is a special year. In addition to Victory Day, we will to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of our country. The operation to liberate Belarus was completed in August 1944. When the war ended, it turned out that every third Belarusian was killed, 209 out of 270 settlements were looted and destroyed. The country was in ruins, and we managed her in "We remember very well that we did this together with the help of all the fraternal republics of a large country."

"In Belarus ... we remember very well that it was the peoples of the entire Soviet Union who made a decisive contribution to this victory and lost the largest number of people," said Andrei Ivanovich Luchenok.

At the end of the speech, he thanked the organizers, the Russian Embassy, ​​the Russian Consulate General in Dubai.

Next came Chyngyz Kazybaevich Eshimbekov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to the United Arab Emirates.

He began his speech with words of thanks to colleagues from the Russian Embassy, ​​the Russian Consulate General in Dubai and the Russian Emirates.

"Our fraternal peoples came to this victory together, and the fact that we are now together is very symbolic," he said.

Chyngyz Kazybaevich mentioned the feat of the second Panfilov division, which showed heroism in the defense of Moscow, and noted the contribution of the Kyrgyz people to the common victory.

"Now we can talk about how many losses each people suffered. Every fourth inhabitant of Kyrgyzstan was called up for war, and only half of them returned home," he said.

Chyngyz Kazybaevich also noted that hundreds of thousands of residents of the European part of the Soviet Union were evacuated to Kyrgyzstan.

"They found shelter and warmth among our families. They grew up and subsequently made a great contribution to the development of Kyrgyzstan."

“We hope that this memorable holiday will always be in our hearts. Every May 9 we will celebrate together and pay tribute to our ancestors,” he concluded his speech with these words.

The following word was given to Madiyar Smadilovich Menilbekov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Arab Emirates.

"Today we celebrate the Great Holiday. This holiday is dear to each of us. Accept on behalf of the Embassy of Kazakhstan the most sincere congratulations. On this day we remember all those who, at the cost of their own lives in the brutal and bloody war with fascism, have won peace and prosperity for future generations of everything of humanity. "

“In order to understand how great the heroic deed of the winners is, one must realize the scale of the tragedy brought by fascism. Mankind lost more than 71 million people in that war - military and civilians. As our president said, our people made a great contribution to the common victory. Kazakhstan people heroically fought on on all fronts of the war, Of ​​the one million two hundred thousand of our fellow countrymen who went to war over 20% of the total population of the republic, exactly half died on the battlefields.For the happiness of peaceful lives, for the opportunity to realize their dreams about dependent states and prosperity of the people we are today with all my heart thank the veterans of the Great Patriotic War ", - said Madiyar Smadilovich.

After that, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the United Arab Emirates, Sharifi Bakhodur Mahmudzoda, came on the scene.

"May 9 is a holy day for each of us, a day of remembrance for the great feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defended the freedom and independence of our homeland. We bow our heads to the blessed memory of the dead," said Sharifi Bahodur Mahmudzoda.

"We are proud that our fellow countrymen were in the ranks of the troops that drove the fascist invaders from the walls of Moscow. The sons of the Tajik people fought with courage and honor on all fronts of this terrible war, which is one of the worst tragedies in the history of mankind."

"Celebrating Victory Day and honoring those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of peoples is a sacred duty for each of us," he said.

With solemn words, Sardar Mamit Karadzhaev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkmenistan to the United Arab Emirates, entered the stage.

“On this day we recall the names of those who forged victory for us on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War and the labor front, selflessly defended our freedom and independence,” he said, “in the ranks of the multinational army, whose fighters did not spare their lives, were and our fellow countrymen. During the brutal war, the people of Turkmenistan worked tirelessly. "

"We are sincerely proud of our courageous countrymen, bow our heads to their military exploits and learn from them the selfless love of their homeland," said Sardar Mamit Karadzhaev.

"Today, we, the descendants of the heroes, are doing everything in our power to preserve peace on the planet and strengthen friendship and brotherhood between peoples."

After the performance of the ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions, everyone was invited to the stage to take part in the Immortal Regiment action and honor the memory of their relatives, whose portraits they held in their hands. The action takes place all over the world and in particular in Dubai for several years.

As part of the concert program, the special guest of the evening was the People's Artist of Belarus, Honored Art Worker of Russia, creator and permanent artistic director of the honored collective of the Republic of Belarus "Syabry" Anatoly Yarmolenko, who performed popular and favorite hits for the audience: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, My Youth Belarus "," Alesya "," Zavalinka "and many others.

Watch the video: Russia marks Victory Day with military parade on Red Square (July 2024).