5 English cartoons for children

With the onset of a hot summer in Dubai and the beginning of school holidays, the question of what to watch becomes especially relevant. Child development experts advise to stay on short, not scary and educational cartoons.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization from 2019 for children from 2 to 5 years, the time spent in front of the screen should not exceed one hour per day. Preschoolers do not see the difference between fictional and real, for them all characters are real. Therefore, it is important to choose cartoons without scary characters, with a developing component.

In addition to the popular Peppa Pigs, Paw Patrol and Little Ben and Holly Kingdom stories, these are:

Max and Ruby

A charming Canadian animated series about two hares - three-year-old brother Max and seven-year-old sister Ruby, based on the books of the American writer Rosemary Wells. The animated series well reflects the interaction of children in the family, shows how disputes can be resolved. Also in the series, the feelings of the kids are shown and approximate models of behavior in different situations are given.

Brewster the rooster

Educational and very funny Irish animated series about Brewster's cock and six-year-old girl Magee 2017 release. Each series discusses questions interesting to preschoolers: why does the moon appear in the sky when the sun is not visible, where does the sky end, how do bats “see” in the dark, and many others. In the cartoon, a beautiful and vibrant animation, based on the series, a full-length cartoon was later created.

Curious george

The animated series is about a curious monkey named George, who accidentally gets into unforeseen situations. Educational consultants have suggested using the series to teach science, math, and engineering. Throughout the animated series, George is gently explained and told about various phenomena. Thus, watching the funny adventures of the monkey, children gain knowledge about the world around them.

The Magic School Bus / The Magic School Bus Rides Again

Perhaps this is one of the most famous educational animated series. In each series, the cartoon characters (Mrs. Frizzle and her class) are fascinatingly talking about traveling to the bowels of the earth or into space, about the structure of the human body, etc. Series in particular will be interesting to children from 4 years.

Franklin / Franklin and Friends

This animated series tells about the six-year-old turtle Franklin and his friends. Along with the growth of Franklin, the questions that are raised in the cartoon will be of interest to younger students: socialization, self-confidence, friendship, etc.

As adults, we should probably remember that children's cartoons are only assistants in the development of children, because even the most developing cartoon cannot be compared in importance to interacting with mom or moving, developing games with friends.

Thanks to Nana Tuaibi for preparing this material.

Watch the video: Best Cartoons To Learn English With Subtitles For Kids 3++ year olds - Learn English Kids DVD 6 (May 2024).