Charles Aznavour - Endless Love

THE FAMOUS FRENCH CHANSON OF ARMENIAN ORIGIN MAESTRO CHARLES AZNAVUR WILL DUST THE ONLY AND LONG-WAITED CONCERT IN DUBAI. On the eve of the guest artist, the favorite of millions and witness to several epochs, several minutes were spent for a conversation with the “Russian Emirates”.

Interviewed by Natalia Remmer

Maestro, this is your first time performing in Dubai. What are your expectations for the upcoming Arabian tour?

Charles Aznavour: I am especially pleased and interesting to speak where I have not been able to do this before in my long life. There are few such cities left, and this is especially valuable. Curiosity is in my blood, everything new is very interesting to me. Once I had to win the love of the public in every new country, and going on stage was a pleasant experience. Today I most often speak at venues that are well known to me. This does not mean that I love them more - not at all. And I am pleased to discover new cities and scenes.

What kind of spectator are you waiting for at a concert in Dubai?

Charles Aznavour: My audience has no nationality, profession or age, regardless of where they live. Of course, there were countries where it was difficult at first to attract the viewer, but today I go on stage to those with whom we have a lot in common - first of all, love for good lyrics and music.

Looking into the hall, do you pay attention to how your viewer changes over the years?

Charles Aznavour: Among my audience are people of all nationalities, including Arabs, French and Russians. These are, first of all, people who listen to the lyrics of the song, value the word and get into the meaning of each song. And, of course, they love my style of performance and my songs for over 70 years!

How have they changed? How have I changed? Well, turned gray a little. As critics wrote about me, “voiceless, hoarse” - nothing has changed here (Laughs). So is my audience: someone may have turned gray, but they have not lost their taste and love of music. Sometimes, with pleasant surprise, I notice very young children in the hall who sing with me and know my songs by heart. Here it is, a new generation that many do not expect to see at my concerts. My audience is very different, but it unites all one thing - good taste (Laughs).

Are you planning to perform a song in Russian in Dubai?

Charles Aznavour: I sing in eight languages, most of the songs are in French, as well as in English, Spanish, Italian and, of course, in Russian. In 2015, I had three concerts in Russia, two in Moscow and one in St. Petersburg. And I saw with what awe the audience is waiting for “Eternal Love”, with what rapture they sing along in Russian, so there is no way to do without it.

What influence did Russian music and culture have on you?

Charles Aznavour: I grew up in a family where they spoke Russian. My father was fluent in Russian; my mother learned it very quickly. Russian has been heard in our family, as well as Armenian, since childhood. Despite the fact that I never learned to speak fluently, I have my own little French-Russian phrasebook, which I often leaf through. I manage to read and talk a little. As for Russian music, the first association that I have is Alexander Vertinsky, whom we listened to at home.

What do you feel, think and do in the last minutes before going on stage?

Charles Aznavour: At the beginning of my career, at such moments I felt a sense of excitement, sometimes even fear - now no longer. But before the concert, I prefer to retire, to sing and get ready for a meeting with the audience. Each performance is like a meeting with a good old friend, you appreciate her especially and are always glad to see her, but there is also a feeling of light pleasant excitement.

What is the role of nostalgia in your songs and in your life?

Charles Aznavour: Nostalgia plays an important role in my songs because I absorbed it since childhood - from the very moment that my mother lulled me into lullabies in Armenian, Iranian and Russian.

What is the secret of your longevity and spiritual harmony?

Charles Aznavour: The main thing is a measure in everything and the ability to stop in time. I do not limit myself to anything, but I can stop. So it was with smoking, I smoked a lot and long enough, but one fine day, when my health made itself felt, I quit once and for all. So the secret is simple - to know the measure in everything and do what you love.

But what is the formula of eternal love from Charles Aznavour?

Charles Aznavour: I am not an expert in love, just an artist who endlessly loves his audience and his work.

Watch the video: Mireille Mathieu Charles Aznavour Une vie d amour (July 2024).