Burj Khalifa: on the seventh heaven

On January 4, 2010 in Dubai, the official opening ceremony of the tallest building on Earth - the 828-meter giant skyscraper Burj Khalifa, formerly known as Burj Dubai, took place.

The construction of this unprecedented construction began in 2004. On the 39 lower floors of the building is the world's first hotel under the Armani brand. 144 company residences from Giorgio Armani, occupy from the 9th to the 16th floor and are already inhabited. Above - up to the 108th floor inclusive are 900 luxurious apartments. All subsequent floors - up to the 154th - were given over to offices and corporate suites, which are world high-altitude champions.

There, on the 124th floor, there is the highest observation deck in the world - “At The Top” - a new mandatory point in the tourist program of visiting Dubai. In clear weather, the viewing range from the observation deck is 80 km. On the 125th floor, the highest restaurant in the world, Atmosphere. In total, the Burj Khalifa tower has 160 floors.

Among other things, Burj Khalifa includes many commercial areas represented by hotels, clubs, restaurants, libraries, fitness rooms and shops. And surrounds the building, which is already called the "vertical city", a green park of 11 hectares. The total number of residents of the Burj Khalifa tower is approximately 12 thousand.

The interior of Burj Khalifa uses natural wood, polished dark stone and silver travertine for floors and Venetian plaster for walls, as well as handmade carpets. For interior decoration in a skyscraper posted more than 1000 works of art by local and foreign artists.

In the immediate vicinity of the Burj Khalifa building is located one of the largest shopping centers in the world, The Dubai Mall, with an area of ​​more than 1.1 million square meters. m. At the foot of Burj Khalifa is the Dubai Fountain ("Dubai Fountain") - a musical fountain, which is one of the largest and highest in the world. The height of its jets reaches 150 m (approximately 50 floors). The fountain is illuminated by more than 6 thousand colored light sources. The fountain is capable of lifting 83 thousand liters of water into the air at the same time, and was designed by the California company WET, the same company that created the dancing fountains at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas.


  • During peak hours, the Burj Khalifa air conditioning system consumes 10 thousand tons of chilled water per hour, which is equivalent to the cold given off when 10 thousand tons of ice melts in one day.
  • The Burj Khalifa water supply system supplies an average of 946 thousand liters of water per day.
  • The peak electricity consumption of Burj Khalifa is 36 MVA, which is equivalent to 360 thousand 100-watt light bulbs, included at the same time.
  • When cooling hot and humid outdoor air in the Burj Khalifa air conditioning system, condensation forms which is used to irrigate green spaces in the surrounding area. This allows us to save about 67.5 million liters of water annually, which is equivalent to the volume of about 20 Olympic pools.
  • The double-decker elevators to the Burj Khalifa observation deck, located on the 124th floor, are the fastest in the world; they provide 42 people at once to a height of about 600 m with an average speed of 10 m / s and a maximum speed of 18 m / s.
  • When calculating the fire safety of Burj Khalifa, it was assumed that up to 35 thousand people could be in the building at the same time, the full evacuation of which should take no more than 32 minutes.
  • On the stairs of Burj Khalifa, approximately every 25 floors, air-conditioned, air-conditioned lounge areas are arranged.
  • For the construction of Burj Khalifa, about 230 thousand cubic meters were used. m of concrete (not including the foundation), which is equivalent to the volume of a monolithic concrete cube measuring 61x61x61 m. For comparison, "only" 40.5 thousand cubic meters were spent on the construction of CN Tower in Toronto (Canada). m concrete.
  • The outer surface of Burj Khalifa, 75% glass, has an area of ​​about 111,500 square meters. m, which is equivalent to an area of ​​17 football fields.
  • For the construction of Burj Khalifa, about 31.4 thousand tons of steel reinforcement were used (not including the foundation). If this armature is laid in length, it will cover more than a quarter of the distance around the globe. For comparison, the creation of the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris took 7.3 thousand tons of steel.
  • In normal use, it will take 3-4 months to wash all the windows of Burj Khalifa from the outside.

Watch the video: Al Barari. Seventh Heaven. Luxury Apartments in Dubai. (July 2024).