From star to star

More than 600 people from 50 countries have reserved their seats on Virgin Galactic's space flights, which will begin to depart from the Abu Dhabi Cosmodrome in 2014.

Among the first "lucky" go to explore the interstellar spaces of Hollywood stars - Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Ashton Kutcher. They have already purchased tickets for the galactic tour, which cost them $ 200 thousand each. All tourists will undergo a three-day pre-flight training.

Flights on the Space Ship Two reusable spacecraft, accommodating six passengers and two pilots, will be suborbital. First, the ship rises to a height of 16 km, where there will be undocking from the White Knight Two accelerator aircraft, and he makes the further journey on his own. The flight time is 2.5 hours, of which 5-6 minutes in zero gravity. Missiles are currently undergoing flight tests.

It is worth recalling that Virgin Galactic is a subsidiary of the Virgin Group, owned by well-known British businessman Richard Branson. Built in Abu Dhabi, the spaceport will become the second base of the existing American spaceport Spaceport America, located in the state of New Mexico.

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