Visiting Sheikh Zayed. Sir Bani Yas and its inhabitants

“HOW ANY OPEN THE DOOR, IT WILL ALL ONCE RETURN TO ITS THRESHOLD,” says the ARAB PROVERB. Indeed, in order to know the essence of the nation, it is necessary to look behind the front facade of her life, where it all began. FOUND ON THE ISLAND OF CIR BANI YAS, YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS HERE, IN THIS QUIET, FORGOTTEN ANY CORNER, AND THE TRUE HEART OF ARAB EMIRATES IS BEATING.

Our little Africa

When our small Rotana Jet crashed crashing onto the runway of Sir Bani Yas Island, the first thought that came to my mind and my companions was: "Where is Africa from here ?!" Indeed, the landscape is unusual for the Arabian desert: low mountains covered with greenery, dense vegetation, asphalt tracks and no sandstorms. The answer was quickly found by those who met: 120,150 million years ago, the largest natural island of the current United Arab Emirates separated from Africa. At that time, there was a savannah with full-flowing rivers, in which crocodiles, hippos and other inhabitants characteristic of the black continent splashed. Of course, we immediately realized that this was a joke - trees could not survive for millions of years. All the vegetation on the island is the fruit of the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s desert greening initiative, the first president of the UAE and father of the nation, who loved to relax on the island and created a nature reserve here in 1971. Since then, Sir Bani Yas began to bring numerous gifts to the head of the nation from the crowned persons of other countries: giraffes, gazelles, cheetahs, antelopes and other representatives of the fauna - far and near. We will definitely return to them.

If we talk about the history of the island as such, then "life" on it, according to some sources, originated about seven thousand years ago, in the late Stone Age. First, cattle herders from Northern Arabia drove herds here, and later merchants from Mesopotamia became frequent guests. Also, pearl catchers, often mentioned in written sources of the Middle Ages, were considered to be the indigenous inhabitants of the island.

Rulers Family Socket

On the Sir Bani Yasa reign peace and tranquility. On one of the hills stands a gazebo and a small, modest one-room building. When you climb to this observation deck, it seems that the expanses of the Persian Gulf open wide before you, as if by magic.

In summer, here, as in most parts of the United Arab Emirates, the surroundings are shrouded in haze. And even though the lights of the capital, located 250 kilometers from here, can’t even be seen on the horizon, still this place remains the best observation point. And for good reason. It was here that he loved to spend time peering into the distance and plunging into his own thoughts, the great Sheikh Zayed, whose spirit reigns today on his beloved island. Here, by the way, the family residence of the Al Nahyan family, the rulers of Abu Dhabi, spreads for several kilometers. The magnificent palace, however, can only be seen from the air, since even mortals are forbidden to enter it.

Did the father of the nation accidentally choose Sir Bani Yas as the place of his thoughts? I think no. I don’t know if Carlos Castaneda has been to these parts, but if he happened to be here, he would probably call it a “place of power,” a region with a special atmosphere that fills with energy and inspiration. Perhaps it was Sir Bani Yas who gave the ruler the power to unite the emirates to create a new strong state on the world map. In any case, being here, you begin to believe in it.

Holy tradition

As it turned out soon, my thoughts about the holiness and sacredness of the island were not speculation at all. Indeed, almost a thousand and a half years ago, a Christian monastery was founded here, which quite safely operated after the establishment of Islam in these territories and collapsed only with time. Its ruins, including a church, a bell tower and a tower, were discovered during archaeological excavations in 1992. Although the research continues to this day.

The monastery, belonging to the Nestorian community, lasted until 750 AD. e. According to archaeologists, the burial place of a man, apparently a saint or righteous man, to whom pilgrims flocked, was also found at this place. Nearby was a room where offerings were left for him.

It is worth noting that the monastery discovered - the most southern in the Persian Gulf, even received the name of the extreme outpost of Christianity. Similar shrines were found in Saudi Arabia and in Bahrain. As you know, temples and monasteries in the V century BC. e. were built on a trade route from Syria to India, and Christian merchants prayed in them before setting off on long voyages.

The earth sees many miracles ...

A wildlife park spread over 87 square meters. kilometers, has become home to more than 20 species of mammals and 68 species of birds. The total number of inhabitants is more than 10 thousand. A magnificent view opens from the top of Karn-Bu-Naydar - the highest point of the island. This is where you can feel the real Africa. Dolphins and giant sea turtles are found in coastal waters, and pink flamingos are found in mangroves off the coast. One of the most graceful inhabitants of the park is the Baz antelope, or Oryx, by the way, the national symbol of the United Arab Emirates. Arabs admire their beauty, comparing antelopes with bright stars sparkling in the sky, considering it the embodiment of dignity and pride.

By the way, about giraffes ... 55 proud animals "live" on the island: in order to control the population, male and female individuals are kept separately. During our safari, we were lucky: for one hour we also saw arrogant ostriches, boastful peacocks and cheetahs weary of the hot summer heat, peacefully stretching in the cool shade of trees, which, by their appearance, made it clear: they are also proud to be Emirates! The island has a speed limit of only 50 km / h. Young gazelles strive to rush under the wheels, running across the track in the wrong places. And ostriches, running up to a speed of 70 km / h, even exceed speed limits. You have to be very vigilant!

Royal stables

One of the main attractions of the island of Sir Bani Yas is the local stables, opened in March 2012 and designed for 30 horses. Riders of all categories can train here - from beginners to professionals. But if in the winter season horseback riding can be done all day, in the summer - only in the early morning or after sunset.

The horses are very calm, many of them played polo for a long time, and only then they got to the island. My colleague and I were very enthusiastic, rising at five in the morning to trot along the sand dunes. And did not regret it. After all, communication with horses gives even more spiritual harmony and warmth. I solemnly promised my bay gelding Bogus obediently fulfilling all my commands ... By the way, there are still many discoveries waiting for nature lovers on the island: here you can swim with a mask and scuba diving, go fishing, shoot archery or master a mountain bike. In a word, you don’t get bored!

Paradise for two

Sir Bani Yas is the perfect place for a honeymoon. Do not worry, you will not have to spend the night in tents. From year to year the number of luxurious resorts of the Anantara chain is growing, which are happy to host newlyweds and lovers of exotic and adventure. We have already written about the luxurious boutique hotel Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara, designed in the style of Arabian culture and ideal for lovers of luxury. On its territory there is a boutique where you can buy local handicrafts, souvenirs and literature in various languages, there is a fitness center and a kids club, a library, a pool and a tennis court. A real highlight of the hotel is the Samak seafood restaurant, featuring casual elegance and a variety of dishes on offer. The Palm offers international and Middle Eastern dishes.

July 1, 2013 guests of the island began to receive the new five-star resort Anantara Al Yamm Villa Resort, consisting of 30 villas. The design of the villas resembles the traditional dwellings of Middle Eastern fishermen and pearl hunters. Moreover, 16 of them have direct access to the sea, and 14 villas are located in the shade of mangrove forests, where pink flamingos live.

Anantara Al Yamm Villa Resort Speaking at the opening ceremony, Stephen Phillips, CEO of Anantara Al Yamm Villa Resort, said: “This place can be called unique due to its geographical location and rich history. We are confident that the new resort will support the image of Sir Bani Yas Island as a destination for a five-star retreat. " The resort has an Italian restaurant, Olio, a café-lounge and a bar. Five more restaurants will open soon. All villas have private pools, televisions with large screens. At the same time, everything is built and decorated taking into account high environmental standards.

Under the wing of an airplane

The path to Sir Bani Yas from Abu Dhabi and Dubai is not long by land or by sea. Therefore, respecting the desire of guests for absolute comfort, hotel management has established air service. So, five times a week, Rotana Jet planes from the capital's Al Batin Airport arrive on the island, which in August began to depart from Dubai's air harbor.

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