Hundreds of couples received money for the wedding from the authorities of the UAE

The authorities of the United Arab Emirates allocated tens of millions of dirhams for the newlyweds.

In the first quarter of 2019, the UAE Ministry of Social Development selected 374 recipients of marriage allowances. The amount of such assistance is 70 thousand dirhams ($ US 19 thousand) per couple. Money is paid in a single payment.

The total amount of benefits exceeded 60 million dirhams ($ US 16.3 million).

Minister of Public Development Hess Bint Aisa Bukhumaid said that the provision of benefits is consistent with the tasks of the UAE government and the Ministry.

“Close-knit families are the main elements of the emirate’s society,” she emphasized.

The Minister praised the interest of the UAE leadership in creating stable families and added that the UAE has become a role model in the field of social development, as well as the welfare and high standard of living of its citizens.

Under the terms of the program, the applicant and his wife must be citizens of the UAE; the husband must be at least 21 years old, and the wife must be at least 18 years old; the applicant must not be able to independently pay the marriage expenses; Applicant’s income must not exceed AED 25 thousand ($ 6.8 thousand) after all deductions.

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